Vrnjačka Banja

The foremost center of Serbian spa tourism, Vrnjacka Banja, lies on the forest covered slopes of Mt. Goc, some 200 km south of Belgrade.

This spa is also a reputed congress tourism destination. Vrnjacka Banja has warm water springs (alkaline, carbonic-acid homothermae, 36.5 0 C) and cold mineral water springs "Sne�nik" (17 0 C), "Slatina" (14 0 C), "Jezero" (25.7 0 C) which are hypothermae of the sodium hydro carbonate, alkaline, soil alkaline, carbonic-acid type.
Therapy at the spa helps the treatment of diabetis, stomach and duodenal ulcer, post-surgical conditions after stomach and intestinal surgery, functional disorders of the digestive tract, chronic pancreas conditions, diseases of the gall bladder and the gall system, liver, kidneys, the urinary system, chronic gynecological diseases and sterility and chronic rheumatic conditions.